Full-Time Executive Director
Job Description
Executive Director, Community-Based Traditional Knowledge Monitoring Program for Diavik Mine Closure
The Indigenous Parties to Diavik’s EnvironmentalAgreement are accepting applicants for an Executive Director to develop and implement the Community-Based Traditional Knowledge Monitoring Program for Diavik Diamond Mine’s closure. The Program will assess closure performance by applying community-based traditional knowledge monitoring approaches. The responsibilities of the role are expected to evolve with the development of the Program.
How to Apply
Interested candidates should contact DiavikTKMonitoring@gmail.com to request more information and/or a copy of the full job description.
Please submit a cover letter and resume to the above contact.
This position will remain open until a suitable candidate is found.
Note: The monitoring program will not be run by Rio Tinto/Diavik. This Executive Director position will report to an outside organization.
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