Full-Time Executive Director
Job Description
Łı́ı́dlı̨ı̨ Kų́ę́First Nation
Employment Opportunity
Executive Director
Working directly with the Chief and reporting to the Chief and Council. This position is responsible for providing overall direction and management of programs and services delivered by Łı́ı́dlı̨ı̨ Kų́ę́First Nation. This includes strategic, operational, human and fiscal management within each program area. The Executive Director will play a principle role in identifying gaps in programs delivery by monitoring and evaluating their effectiveness in the delivery of services to membership and clients.
The Salary for this position is negotiable.
Closing Date: April 21, 2023
How to Apply
Please submit Resume to:
Chief & Council
Łı́ı́dlı̨ı̨ Kų́ę́First Nation
PO Box 469
Fort Simpson, NT X0E 0N0
Or Email: exdir@liidliikue.com
Click here for more details
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