Full-Time Executive Director
Job Description
Please see attached document for full job description.
Ecology North is looking for a dynamic, well rounded and highly motivated professional to provide leadership in the Executive Director position. Based in Yellowknife this position offers the challenging but rewarding opportunity to run a highly effective and well respected independent ENGO in Canada’s North.
The position reports directly to the Ecology North volunteer Board of Directors. The new Executive Director will work with the Board of Directors and the Strategic Planning Committee to complete a strategic plan to set the course of the organization for the next three years.
This position has a high degree of autonomy and responsibility. The Executive Director is responsible for managing a staff of up to 10 people, including full-time, part-time, student and contract employees, and a budget of up to $1 million annually. It requires a candidate who is passionate about the environment, has excellent organizational skills, and has knowledge and experience in administration, human resources management, financial management, strategic planning, governance and policy.
Ecology North will provide training and knowledge transfer through a transitional crossover with the current Executive Director. Direction will be provided by the Board of Directors.
Salary is competitive with northern environmental non-profit organizations and limited health and professional development benefits apply.
How to Apply
Please submit your cover letter and resume no later than midnight, MST on June 26th, 2020
Lynda Yonge,
Chair of Human Relations Committee,
Ecology North Board
(867) 873-6019
5016 50th Avenue
Box 1684, Station Main
Yellowknife NT, XlA 2P3
All questions related to this posting can be directed to Lynda Yonge by e-mail at the address above.
To learn more about Ecology North, please visit https://ecologynorth.ca/
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