Tender Government of Nunavut Request for Tenders/Proposals
Request for Tenders/Proposals
Go to Nunavuttenders.ca to download new procurement opportunities.
CAUTION: This Tender/RFP Notification List is to provide interested businesses an opportunity to freely access tender information easily, and quickly. Users reading and using information on this list may do so at their own risk. The Government of Nunavut does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, completeness of the information included therein. This list consists of those Tenders/RFPs that were reported to the Department of Community & Government Services, and may not be a complete list of all Government of Nunavut Tenders/RFPs. Closing dates are subject to change, and in the event that a discrepancy exists between information displayed on this list and the Tender document, the Tender document shall govern. The NNI (Nunavummi Nangmini – qaq tunik Ikajuuti) Policy applies to all GN RFTs/RFPs except where the IIBA Rules for Parks Contracts applies. FOB Point/Location is not necessarily the Subject Community as defined in the NNI Policy. For the purpose of the tenders/request for proposals listed above, the provisions of the Nunavummi Nang miniqaqtunik Ikajuuti (NNI Policy) apply. Tender/RFP documents, and any addenda issued during the process will be available for download at the following website: http://www.nunavuttenders.ca/. You will be required to register with this site in order to view the Tender/RFP Notification Listing and you will be able to download the document by clicking on the Reference Number. Once registered as a document holder, you will receive an automatic notice whenever an addendum is issued, and you will have to log into the site and download the addendum. You will not be able to submit your bid at this site.Your bid must be submitted according to the submission instructions in the document. Refer to the Government of Nunavut Website http://www.nunavuttenders.ca/ for further procurement opportunities. This procurement document can be made available, upon request, in any of the 4 official languages (Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun, English, French) of Nunavut. http://www.nunavuttenders.ca/
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