Full-Time Health & Social Programs Manager
Job Description
Kátł’odeeche First Nation
Kátł’odeeche First Nation (KFN) is seeking a team orientated, highly motivated and organized individual to lead the Health and Social Programs. Reporting directly to the CEO the Health & Social Programs Manager oversees the Community Health Representative, Judith Fabian Group Home, Homecare, Daycare, and other designated social programs.
The Manager has the authority required to effectively manage all KFN health and social programs. The Manager also acts as the operational liaison between the KFN, the Hay River Health and Social Services Authority (HRHSSA), and the NT Health and Social Services Authority (NTHSSA).
The overall goal of the Manager is to enhance the health and well-being of KFN members. A secondary goal is to support the effective delivery of health and social programming on the Hay River Dene Reserve.
• a Diploma or Degree in the areas of Health or the Social Sciences (or an equivalent diploma/degree along with a minimum of 5 years financial and program management experience)
• proven management / administrative skills
• excellent communication skills
• extensive cross-cultural experience
• able to stay on budget
• lead a healthy lifestyle
• the ability to speak South Slavey would be an asset
Salary: The salary range for this position is negotiable depending on qualifications and experience.
Application deadline: Position will remain open until filled.
If you require further information or a complete job description, please contact:
How to Apply
Please drop off or email your resumé and cover letter to:
Katlodeeche First Nation
P.O. Box 3060, Hay River Reserve, NT X0E 1G4
Attention: KFN Hiring
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