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23 Mar 2021

Tender Notice of Amendment Applications

Wek’èezhìi Land and Water Board  Indin Lake Gold Project Area

Applicant: Nighthawk Gold Corp. (Nighthawk)
Location: Indin Lake Gold Project Area
Purpose: Nighthawk has submitted an application to amend Type B Water Licence (Licence) W2018L2-0003 and a request to amend Type A Land Use Permit W2018C0007. Nighthawk is requesting to update the Complete Application referenced in Part A, Condition 1a of the Licence and Part C, Condition 7 of the Permit to include additional leases (NT-3656, NT-3655, NT-3380) and add additional Water Sources through submission of a Water Use Plan as required by Part D, Condition 3 of the Licence.
File #: W2018L2-0003; W2018C0007
Comment deadline: April 6, 2021

How to Apply

Comments, recommendations, or notices of application for water compensation must be submitted by the comment deadline indicated above using the Board’s Online Review System (ORS) at

This application and materials related to the proceeding can be viewed using the ORS or by contacting the Board’s office at 867-756-4592.

Advertised until: 2021-04-22

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