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29 Mar 2021



The Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee (“The Committee”) advises the Commissioner in Executive Council of the Northwest Territories on the appointment of judges to the Territorial Court and invites applications for a judicial position in the Northwest Territories.

This appointment, while primarily a criminal law position, will also involve civil claims, judicial dispute resolution, family law, child protection, Youth Justice Court, Justice of the Peace education, as well as traveling (mostly by plane) throughout the Northwest Territories.

To qualify for appointment to the Territorial Court, a person must be a Canadian citizen, and must have been a member in good standing of a Law Society of one of the three territories or of any province for a period of not less than seven years.

How to Apply

Applications are made by mailing to the Committee, one original and 8 copies of a completed Judicial Candidate Information Form, as well as a certificate of good standing from the applicant’s territorial or provincial Law Society, at this address:
Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee
P.O. Box 550, 4903-49th Street
2nd Floor, Courthouse
Yellowknife, NT, X1A 2N4
Attention: Ms Tracy Downes, Executive Judicial Assistant

Only applications post-marked or hand delivered on or before Friday, April 30, 2021, at 4:00 pm will be considered.

To obtain the Judicial Candidate Information Form, please contact Ms. Tracy Downes at (867) 873-7604, or send an e-mail to

Advertised until: 2021-04-28

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