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27 Dec 2023

Notice Notice of Public Hearings

Northland Utilities (NWT) Limited –  Hay River, NT

Job Description

Northwest Territories Public Utilities Board
1. Northland Utilities (NWT) Limited (NUL) 2023 General Rate Application (GRA); Application Number: 2022-02

2. Purchase and Sale of Hay River Franchise Assets Application; Application Number:2023-07

1. The context for the above Applications is the request for approval for sale of the Hay River Franchise assets by Northland Utilities (NWT) Limited and the purchase of the same assets by the Northwest Territories Power Corporation. The Applications could potentially result in changes to the rates of both utilities. The Board will hear the proposals put forward by the parties to the sale transaction and by registered Interveners, at the public hearings to be held on January 15th, 16 and possibly 17th 2024 at the Hay River Community Hall Arena, 79 Woodland Drive, Hay River NT.

2. On each hearing day the technical hearing hours (involving Applicants and Registered Interveners only) will be from 9.00AM to 5.30PM. Once the technical hearings are completed public consultations will follow, commencing at 6.00PM and end no later than 7.00PM on January 15 and 16th. Those intending to participate in the public consultations should notify the Board Secretary, Ms. Doris Minoza by e mail at, by January 10, 2024. The Public may view the above applications on the Board’s website at:

3. The NUL 2023 GRA Hearing is scheduled for January 15, 2024 and this will be followed by public consultations respecting the same application. The Hearing of the Purchase and Sale of the Hay River Francise Assets proceeding is scheduled for January 16, 2024 and this will be followed by public consultations respecting the same proceeding.

4. The hearings will be held as hybrid hearings (virtual and in person) with the virtual hearing accessible through Microsoft Teams.

5. The public will have access to view the proceedings on the PUB website via a U tube link.

Job Categories: Other. Job Types: Notice. Advertised until: 2024-01-26

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