Notice Notice of Written Hearing
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The Northwest Territories Public Utilities Board
Notice of Written Hearing – Northwest Territories Public Utilities Board
Project Permit Applications by the Northwest Territories Power Corporation (NTPC) for:
i) Replacement and Relocation of the Generating Plant at Łutselk’e and
ii) Taltson Hydro Plant Overhaul
The Board is in receipt of two project permit applications as follows:
i) Relocation of the Generating Plant at Łutselk’e dated February 2, 2022:
This project permit application is for the replacement of the existing diesel generating plant at Łutselk’e with a new 820 kW plant, at a new location, at a net cost of $7.6 million after considering the Canada Infrastructure Program (“ICIP”) federal grant. The average rate impact of the project for NTPC’s Thermal Zone customers is estimated at 1.11%.
ii) Taltson Hydro Plant Overhaul dated February 3, 2022:
NTPC states the Project is necessary to meet generation requirements of the South Slave region and ensure non-emitting supplies remain available to the communities served by the Taltson plant. The net capital cost NTPC expects to incur for the project is estimated at $48.742 million after considering the ICIP grant. NTPC states, the Project’s rate impacts are material under this scenario but can be mitigated by increased sales arising from adding new industrial loads to the Taltson system.
The Northwest Territories Public Utilities Board (Board) intends to conduct a written hearing with respect to this matter. If you wish to intervene or simply comment on the applications, you may write to the Board as per below, by February 25, 2022, stating your name, contact details, whom you are representing, the reasons for your objections or support for the applications and your expected level of participation in the proceedings:
Board Secretary, 203-62 Woodland Drive,
Box 4211, Hay River, NT X0E 1G1
Further details respecting the applications, the schedule and the intervention process are set out in the Board’s website
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