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19 Mar 2024

Request for Proposals Request for Proposals

Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board –  Yellowknife, NT

Job Description

Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board

Request for Proposals for Standing Offer Arrangements – Wildlife

The Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board (EMAB) for the Diavik Diamonds Project wishes to establish a standing offer arrangement with individuals or companies with demonstrated wildlife expertise in northern mining contexts to:

• Provide information and analysis regarding report results or emerging issues related to wildlife, and provide plain-language briefings and advice to the Board on an “as and when required” basis

• Provide expertise and plain-language presentations and information on technical aspects of wildlife for communities, and at workshops, as requested.

Terms of Reference for this contract are available by email or at the EMAB offices located at suite 204 of the 50/50 Mini Mall at 5006 Franklin Ave. in Yellowknife, NT.

Proposals must reach the Environmental Monitoring Advisory Board office electronically or by hard copy no later than end of day Friday April 12, 2024.

For further information contact John McCullum, at (867) 766-3682 or

Job Categories: Other. Job Types: Request for Proposals. Advertised until: 2024-04-18

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